Main usage
Applicable for the matrials as LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE, ete.Iis widely used to manufactuer composite füm basic materialliquid fim. contractive film. protective fim, cable fim,
macromolecule adhansive film, multi-functonal industrialfim products, can better meet operationai requirements ofhigh. accuracy and high speed color printing. composite andpainting products
Features of the machine set.
The tractor adopts horizontal swing rotation which roplacesthe die rotation and simpifes die stucture. l solves
problems of leakage, poor, sealing. and maintenance andimproves the quality of firmn.
The IBC internal bubble cooling system improves fimquaity and transparency, fnally increases the outputHigh precision fold diameter control sysiem reducesdeviation by contolling air blower speod and adjustingair tiow.
EPS photoelectron correct errors system can correctautomatically, which ensuros the rol firnn evenly.
High accurale mould and elfctive air coling syslemensure high qualily film and output.